Get immersed in the music during this Rhythm Ride! With your speed guided by the beat, resistance coached by our instructors, and choreography to captivate you, you’re in for it all. Through the use of sprints, hills, jogs, and an arms segment, our Rhythm Ride will give you a full body workout. Positive vibes guaranteed!! Class stats emailed and past results accessible through your Vault account.

Not heated

All levels

45 minutes
Transform your cycling game with this metrics-driven experience! Motivating instructors will coach you through drills, climbs, high intensity intervals, focused core moves and sequences with mild choreography. The Performance IQ system will provide you with a visual to maximize your strength and cardiovascular endurance. Great for all levels of fitness, this class offers a personalized experience for a tailored workout. Stats are emailed after class and accessible through your Vault account where you can access previous results and opt out of in-class visuals.

Not heated

All levels

45 minutes